各位老师,应伟德bevictor中文版的邀请,东京工业大学笠井和彦教授(Kazuhiko Kasai)将于12月11日(本周四)上午9:00~11:00在公司仁智323教室举行特邀学术报告,题目为:Seismic Performance of Building Protective Systems: Evaluations from Realistic Full-Scale Shake Table Tests and Actual Building Monitoring during 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake。
Nangjin Tech University
Invited Presentation:
Seismic Performance of Building Protective Systems:
Evaluations from Realistic Full-Scale Shake Table Tests and
Actual Building Monitoring during 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
Kazuhiko Kasai, Ph.D., Professor and Director
Structural Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Characteristics and performance of buildings with protective systems are discussed based on two major studies: One is a study on shake-table tests of full-scale building specimens with or without various types of dampers, and another is a study on recorded responses of buildings shaken during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake. The former produced detailed data on behavior of the building protective systems via a large number of sensor records. The latter has provided the most significant evidence of effectiveness of the technologies, in spite of using small number of sensors. The results from the studies will be discussed, focusing on seismic mitigation design for the building and contents.
Prof. Kazuhiko Kasai received Ph.D. degree from University of California, Berkeley in 1985. He was a faculty member at Illinois Institute of Technology and later at Lehigh University in US, and became a professor in 1997 at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Prof. Kasai is an internationally recognized researcher and educator in the areas of steel structure, response control, and earthquake engineering.
Prof. Kasai has been the chairman of Response Control Committee and Passive Control Effects Sub-Committee, Japan Society of Seismic Isolation (JSSI), Steel Passive Control Sub-Committee, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), and various other structural engineering and response control committees in Japan. He also served as the chief editor for “JSSI Manual for Design and Construction of Passively Controlled Building”, AIJ monthly academic journals of the highest standard in Japan, and others.
Prof. Kasai was the Japan-side leader of the NEES and E-Defense US-Japan steel building research projects including full-scale experiments of conventional structure and value-added (passive-controlled or innovative) structures. He was also the Japan-side leader of the China-Japan joint research on seismic evaluation and mitigation for super-tall buildings, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).