December 19, Saturday 12月19日,星期六 |
08:30-08:50 |
Opening Ceremony and Speech of Symposium 会议开幕仪式和开幕致辞 |
08:50-09:00 |
Conference photo 合影 |
Session 1, Moderator: 待定 第一场,主持人:待定 |
09:00-09:20 |
复合材料研究与应用新方向 New Initiatives of FRP Composites Research and Applications(线上报告) Prof. Hota Gangarao, West Virginia University NSF Center for Composites Infrastructure, Morgantown, WV, USA 美国西弗吉尼亚大学,NSF复合材料基础设施中心(CICI),Hota Gangarao 教授 |
09:20-9:40 |
报告题目待定 Prof. Shilang Xu, Zhejiang University 浙江大学,徐世烺 教授 |
9:40-10:00 |
复合材料加劲层合板结构稳定性分析新方法 Novel stability analysis of stiffened laminated composite structures Prof. Pizhong Qiao, Washington State University, USA /Shanghai Jiao Tong University 美国华盛顿州立大学/上海交通大学,乔丕忠 教授 |
10:00-10:20 |
阿拉斯加土楼居所:建造、监测、及舒适节能(线上报告) Alaska Rammed Earth Residence: Construction, Monitoring and Energy Performance Prof. Ray Liang, West Virginia University and The i-Center for Composites, Morgantown, WV, USA 美国西弗吉尼亚大学,复合材料跨界创新中心,梁瑞凤 教授 |
10:20-10:40 |
基于材料-结构一体化设计的轻量化复材结构关键构件研究 Lightweight composite key members based on integrated materials-structures adapted design Prof. Xin Wang, Southeast University 东南大学,汪昕 教授 |
10:40-10:50 |
Tea Break 茶歇 |
Session 2, Moderator: 待定 第二场,主持人:待定 |
10:50-11:05 |
基于结构力学基因和机器学习的编织型复合材料的多尺度计算模拟(线上报告) Multiscale Structural Modeling of Textile Composites using Mechanics of Structure Genome and Machine Learning Assist. Prof. Xin Liu, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA 美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,刘鑫 助理教授 |
11:05-11:20 |
高温环境下层合构件的弹性力学性能研究 Elasticity behavior of layered composite structures under high temperature environment Prof. Ding Zhou, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,周叮 教授 |
11:20-11:35 |
PVC-FRP增强混凝土结构基础性能研究 Study on basic performance of PVC-FRP confined concrete structure Prof. Feng Yu, Anhui University of Technology 安徽工业大学,于峰 教授 |
11:35-11:50 |
FRP筋-钢筋增强ECC-混凝土组合柱抗震性能研究 Seismic behavior of ECC-concrete composite columns reinforced with hybrid FRP and steel rebars Prof. Jinlong Pan, Southeast University 东南大学,潘金龙教授 |
11:50-12:05 |
AFRP竹集成材柱力学性能研究 Mechanical properties of AFRP laminated bamboo lumber columns Prof. Haitao Li, Nanjing Forestry University 南京林业大学,李海涛 教授 |
12:05-12:20 |
高性能纤维增强复合材料结构及其创新工程应用 High performance fiber reinforced composite structure and its innovative engineering application Prof. Hai Fang, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,方海 教授 |
12:20-13:00 |
Lunch 午餐 |
13:00-13:40 |
Visit the laboratory 参观实验室 |
Session 3, Moderator: 待定 第三场,主持人:待定 |
13:40-14:00 |
基于拉挤成型纤维增强复合材料的装配式结构—工程实践挑战与对策(线上报告) Structural assembly using pultruded fibre reinforced polymer composites-Challenges and solutions from own experience Prof. Yu Bai, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia 澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,柏宇 教授 |
14:00-14:15 |
报告题目待定 Prof. Hong Zhu, Southeast University 东南大学,朱虹 教授 |
14:15-14:30 |
高承载复合材料桁架在民用结构应用中关键问题再探讨 Re-discussion of the key problems of high carring capacity composite truss used in civil structure Prof. Qilin Zhao, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,赵启林 教授 |
14:30-14:45 |
关于促进织物增强混凝土研究应用转化的思考 Consideration on promoting the application and transformation of fabric reinforced concrete Prof. Yong Xun, Yancheng Institute of Technology 盐城工学院,荀勇 教授 |
14:45-15:00 |
涂层织物类膜材料的动力力学性能和抗顶破性能 Dynamic mechanical properties and puncture resistance behaviors of architectural coated fabric Prof. Yingying Zhang, China University of Mining and Technology 中国矿业大学,张营营 教授 |
15:00-15:15 |
具有负泊松比效应3D打印夹芯板抗冲击性能研究 Study on impact performance of the 3D printed sandwich plate with negative Poisson’s ratio Prof. Lu Wang, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,王璐 教授 |
15:15-15:30 |
钢-纤维复合筋框架结构的受弯、剪、正常使用和抗连续倒塌性能试验研究 Experimental study on flexural, shear, serviceability and progressive collapse resistance behavior of concrete frames reinforced by steel-fiber reinforced polymer composite bars Asso. Prof. Weihong Qin, Southeast University 东南大学,秦卫红 副教授 |
15:30-15:45 |
考虑循环次数影响的弯剪破坏RC柱荷载-变形关系及抗震性能分析 Load-deformation response and seismic performance analysis of flexural-shear critical RC columns considering the influences of cyclic loading Asso. Prof. Qin Zhang, HoHai University 河海大学,张勤 副教授 |
15:45-15:55 |
Tea Break 茶歇 |
Session 4, Moderator: 待定 第四场,主持人:待定 |
15:55-16:10 |
报告题目待定 Prof. Wenwei Wang, Southeast University 东南大学,王文炜教授 |
16:10-16:25 |
FRP-钢组合连接件混凝土夹芯保温墙板性能研究 Behavior of insulated concrete sandwich panels using FRP-jacketed steel composite connectors Prof. Jun Wang, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,王俊 教授 |
16:25-16:40 |
偏轴载荷作用下界面滑移引起纤维增强复合材料非线性响应 Nonlinear response of a fiber-reinforced composite under off-axis loading considering interfacial sliding Prof. Wenqiong Tu, Jiangsu University 江苏大学,涂文琼 金山青年特聘教授 |
16:40-16:55 |
具有负泊松比效应的复合材料与结构 Composite materials and structures with negative Poisson’s ratio Asso. Prof. Xin Ren, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,任鑫 副教授 |
16:55-17:10 |
外贴FRP板加固损伤钢梁疲劳性能研究 Fatigue behavior of damaged steel beams strengthened with externally-bonded FRP plates Asso. Prof. Haitao Wang, HoHai University 河海大学,王海涛 副教授 |
17:10-17:25 |
5G时代来临,复合材料将有什么机会? With the advent of 5G, what are the opportunities for composites? CTO. Bing Yan, Jiangsu Aosheng Composite Technology Co., Ltd 江苏澳盛复合材料科技有限公司,严兵 技术总监 |
17:25-17:40 |
报告题目待定 Assis. Prof. Nian Li, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,李念 助理教授 |
17:40-17:55 |
基于真三轴试验的复材约束混凝土塑性损伤本构模型 Plastic-damage constitutive model for FRP-confined concrete based on true tri-axial experiment Assis. Prof. Benben Li, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,李奔奔 助理教授 |
17:55-18:10 |
复合材料层合结构的蠕变性能研究 Research on creep behavior of composite layered structures Assis. Prof. Peng Wu, Nanjing Tech University 1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946,吴鹏 助理教授 |
18:10-18:20 |
closing speech 闭幕致辞 |