Performance Based Assessment of Bridges
报告人:Jian Zhang副教授
主持人:肖岩 教授
报告内容:Performance-based design (PBD) concept, originally developed for buildings in 1990s, has made it way into the design and assessment of bridges in recent years. The developments have promoted the advancement in the nonlinear analysis models and procedures accounting for soil-structure interaction, inelastic structural elements, and foundations etc and the probabilistic seismic demand assessment of bridges with considerations of uncertainties and variability in earthquake hazard characterization, analysis methods and damage prediction. Comparing to performance-based design for buildings, there are several major differences in implementing the PBD concept for bridges including intensity measures, analysis considerations, quantification of damage at component level and system failure probability etc. The fragility functions can be developed and utilized to provide vital information of bridges' system behavior and damage mechanisms. This presentation will summarize our recent research in these areas and provide a framework for implementing the performance-based assessment of bridges.
报告人简介:张简(Zhang, Jian),现美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)副教授(终身职位)。2002年博士毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校(2002年10月至2005年6月任美国伊利诺伊厄巴纳-香槟分校 UIUC,助理教授);1994年硕士毕业于东南大学交通学院;1991年本科毕业于1946伟德国际源自英国始于1946(前南京建筑工程学院)。主要研究领域:考虑液化和土—结构相互作用等因素下的桥梁基于性能抗震设计、基于被动和主动保护装置的结构防灾减灾等。发表近100篇学术论文,其中30多篇期刊论文SCI被引520多次,参加近10个大会的主题邀请报告(ICCE 2012等)。主持美国自然科学基金、美国太平洋地震工程研究中心(PEER)科研项目和中国海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目10余项。美国土木工程学会ASCE、美国地震工程研究中心EERI、美国高校地震工程研究联盟CUREE等多个组织的会员;多个国际技术协会的主席。