洪万,男,东南大学工学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,一级注册结构工程师。曾赴新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院访学一年。主要从事智能材料与结构、桥梁工程、结构健康监测等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省自然科学青年基金、江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目等课题。担任Journal of Bridge Engineering, Smart Materials and Structures, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Journal of Sound and Vibration等期刊的审稿人,曾参与获得中国公路学会科学技术一等奖。
[1] Hong W, Duan ZY, Qin Z, Hu XM, Bai P. 2020. “Estimation of distributed rotation angles of steel and concrete beams using fiber optic strain sensors,” Smart Materials and Structures, 29(1), 015030.
[2] Hong W, Lv ZC, Zhang XY, Hu XM. 2020. “Displacement shape measurement of continuous beam bridges based on long-gauge fiber optic sensing,” Optical Fiber Technology, 56, 102178.
[3] Hong W, Lv K, Jiang YC, Yang CQ, Wu ZS, Hu XM. 2018. “Self-sensing and quantitative assessment of prestressed concrete structures based on distributed long-gauge fiber Bragg grating sensors,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(9): 1974-1985.
[4] Hong W, Jiang YC, Li B, Qin Z, Hu XM. 2018. “Nonlinear parameter identification of timber-concrete composite beams using long-gauge fiber optic sensors,” Construction and Building Materials, 164: 217-227.
[5] Hong W, Lv K, Li B, Jiang YC, Hu XM. 2017. “Deflection determination of concrete structures considering nonlinearity based on long-gauge strain sensors,” Smart Materials and Structures, 26(10), 105023.
[6] Hong W, Cao Y, Wu ZS. 2016. " Strain-based damage assessment method for bridges under moving vehicular loads using long-gage strain sensing," Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 21(10), 04016059.
[7] Hong W, Zhang J, Wu G, Wu ZS. 2015. "Comprehensive comparison of macro-strain mode and displacement mode based on different sensing technologies," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 50-51: 563-579.
[8] Hong W, Wu ZS, Yang CQ, Wu G, Zhang YF. 2015. "Finite element model updating of flexural structures based on modal parameters extracted from dynamic distributed macro-strain responses," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26(2): 201-218.
[9] Hong W, Wu ZS, Yang CQ, Wan CF, Wu G. 2012. "Condition assessment of reinforced concrete beams using dynamic data measured with distributed long-gage macro-strain sensors," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(12): 2764-2782.
[10] Hong W, Wu ZS, Yang CQ, Wan CF, Wu G. 2012. "Investigation on the damage identification of bridges using distributed long-gauge dynamic macro-strain response under ambient excitation," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23(1): 85-103.
[1] 智能材料与结构
[2] 桥梁工程、非线性参数识别、振动测试与评估
[3] 结构健康监测